Small Business Accepts Credit Cards

A small business that accepts credit cards is one that sees much more profit than one that doesn’t! If you run a small business and have been contemplating adding a credit card terminal, check out s

A small business that accepts credit cards is one that sees much more profit than one that doesn’t! If you run a small business and have been contemplating adding a credit card terminal, check out some of the many reasons why small business accepts credit cards is the right choice:

More Money

This is easily the most obvious reason for accepting credit cards at your place of business, but also arguably the best reason! A cash-only business, or one that accepts cash and checks only is one that seriously limits how much money it can make. Credit cards are consumer go-to’s when carrying little or no cash, when looking to make payments on an item instead of paying full-price up front, or when trying to accrue “points” for perks such as frequent flyer miles, groceries and even gas money. Businesses that do not accept credit cards are removing a significant portion of their revenue, as plenty of people will walk out of a cash-only store or shop and never return.

Free Terminals

A common small business concern regarding credit card acceptance is terminal payment. One terminal can easily cost several hundred dollars, which is why working with a reputable company such as Merchant Account Solutions is a viable option. You’ll receive your terminal for free, and easily save yourself upwards of $500.

Low Fees

Another common concern in terms of small business accepts credit cards is swipe fees. Some companies charge high fees for credit card usage, while others go the “hidden fee” route. Merchant Account Solutions is a company who will work with you to come up with a swiped card fee that suits your small business. Merchant won’t charge hidden fees, and swiped card rates start at 0.39%. Their low-cost guarantee means you’ll receive the lowest pricing available, as well as 24/7 customer support.

Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction

Customers love options, and allowing yours to choose how they pay is a great way to ensure loyalty. Repeat business is one of the foundations of creating a successful retail store, restaurant, specialty shop or any other business that relies on the consumer. Accepting all or most major credit cards in addition to cash is a simple and easy way to increase repeat customer numbers and keep those who patronize your establishment happy.

Watch your small business accepts credit cards and see if business doesn’t get better! Why wait another day? Add this option and reap the many rewards that follow.

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